Things to do during summer vacation


Summer is finally here! It’s time to take a break from school work and have fun! I wasn’t satisfied with the existing lists I found, so I’ve created my own list of some awesome stuff to do in the summer. Want some ideas? Take a look below:

1. Go swimming! With weather above 25 degrees Celsius, there isn’t a better way to cool off.
2. Get together with friends. Fun times are the best to share with your favorite people.
3. Look for events around wherever you live and check them out! In Calgary, I know the Stampede comes every summer. Getting out of the house and exploring your city/town my just be the fun outing you’re looking for.
4. Go to an amusement park! There’s nothing better than going on rides and indulging in cotton candy.
5. Try going on a road trip. Leaving the city to go camping or for a day hike is one thing that I want to do this summer.
6. Organize and rearrange your space; maybe even give your room a new look.
7. Go shopping and beat the back to school rush.
8. Go for a walk. It’s priceless and great in the evening when its not too hot or too windy outside.
9. Play Monopoly or another board game you haven’t played in a while.
10. Try getting involved in your city/town. There are so many places to volunteer, and it’s so much fun!

I hope this short list that I’ve created gives you some ideas of how to spend your summer. Do you have any other ideas that you think should be on the list?


  1. When you order frogs legs at a restaurant what do they do with the rest of the frog ? – Well surely they just throw the rest of the frog away and take it to the tip.

    Sent from my iPhone 4G

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