Summer To-Do List


If you aren’t going away for the summer and the Stampede really isn’t your kind of thing, I have made a list of some things you can do to make your summer a little less boring.

Get together with old friends: Summer is a great time to call up some of your old grade school friends that you haven’t seen in awhile. There’s tons of things you can do that won’t really require that much deep conversation so you can avoid awkward small talk that happens when you haven’t seen someone in awhile. Maybe try mini golf or a waterpark.

Sun Tattoos: It’s pretty simple and will help you get a tan, but it is does take awhile to do. You can either tape a design on your skin that you want or put sunscreen on in the design you want but don’t put it on any other part of your body, (make sure it isn’t too hot outside or you could burn with this option). Now just sit in a sunny spot outside with a good book, listen to music or take a nap. It should take a few hours for you to be tanned enough to notice the colour difference between your skin and the sun tattoo. If you don’t want it anymore after awhile just go back outside and put lotion on everywhere except for the tattoo and wait for it to tan!

summer 2013

Water Fight: It’s fun to do with friends when it’s hot out! Just make sure if you are using balloons  to fill them up the day before, otherwise if you are trying to fill up enough for a long lasting fight while everyone is waiting, they might start to use some of them (I’ve learned that the hard way)! Another fun water game is to fill up large jugs or glasses and get everyone in partners. Each partner asks a question about themselves to the other person (birthday, favourite colour etc..) If they get it wrong, the person that asked the question dumps the water on the responder. Let all the groups take turns so you can watch other people’s game.

Experiment Making Frozen Treats: Kool Aid popsicles, chocolate ice cream with bacon, you name it!

Garage Sales: Host one or go around looking at them. It’s great thrift shopping and you can buy something old and make it new again with your own twist!

Concerts: Search around online for a band you like, you never know, they might be having a summer concert in your city! Even go to some of the music festivals, you may find a new favourite band!

Happy Summer!