Summer skin care tips


Jasmine K.

Summer… it’s the perfect season for fun under the sun and getting more than sufficient amounts of vitamin D. However, with the season comes the nagging need for skin care; exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause skin damage and in some cases, skin cancer. But don’t fret! It isn’t too late yet. To learn new and easy ways to take care of your skin, feel free to read on!

1. For all girls who have freckles or skin that always gets really dark during the summer, sit tight!

First, a little biology lesson. Our skin’s main form of protection against the sun is melanin, which has higher concentration depending on the darkness of your skin. People with lighter skin tend to get freckles or dark spots because of this lack of melanin. However, eating fruits with vitamin C can actually help prevent darkening over a long period of time, and if you apply sunscreen often (an obvious solution) you can prevent them from darkening. (Same goes for dark skin).

If you are looking for a solution for dark freckles or skin use the old and easy remedy… lemons! Lemons act as a natural astringent, lightening your skin where it’s applied. They work well over short periods of time, but if you’re looking for a long term lightener, you can also apply lemons to your skin on a weekly schedule. Click on the image below for a full recipe for a lemon-sugar face scrub that leaves your skin smoother and lighter!


2. For all those going on a vacation to a sunnier region than your own, click on the images below for sunscreen and skin protection tips against strong ultraviolet light.



3. For those who can afford it, here are some tips that are for all ages. Click on the image below.


4. Summer means there is bound to be dry skin. There are many natural moisturizers that you can find around your house to use for this DIY. Click below for detailed ingredients and remedies (yes, I know the website is for winter skincare, but I tried some and they work for summer remedies too).


