Suiting Up for Final Exams

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For many of us, it’s the time of year for final exams. Are you ready? Because of the magnitude of stress that coincides with the exam break, here are some tips to get you in shape for acing those tests!

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. For those of us who are shy or relatively bad with raising our hands to ask questions in class, don’t be scared to ask your teachers or peers for help. Go in to see your teachers during tutorials or review classes; these can be very helpful! Don’t be embarrassed to request assistance with content you don’t understand, no matter how easy it is. You can even try asking your teacher what material is best to study for the exam. Who knows, they might even drop you some hints and tips. No one will look down on you for being an inquirer.
  2. Make a study schedule. We all know what a chore it is to be disorganized. So, for studying and keeping up with a healthy lifestyle, make a study schedule that you can commit to. Divide your subjects into portions, and review some material each day. Even if some topics are extremely easy, never leave it out of your schedule, or you may surprise yourself by forgetting it. Create a schedule that works for you. Order and organization are essential for success.
  3. Do questions. In order to get better at subjects, it’s in your best interest to do practice questions. Especially in math, there is no better way to become familiar with your topic than doing questions. This could be making your own questions and answering them, or finding review questions online or in your textbooks. Think: practice makes perfect.
  4. Have a study session. To make studying more enjoyable, set up a get-together with your friends with the same subjects. This is a great way to help each other with questions and confusing content. Choose people that you know you will be able to work well with and concentrate with. There will be a time for chatty friends after the exam.
  5. Dress in layers for the exam. From my own experience, exam rooms have a tendency to have low temperatures: it’s cold. Dressing warmly in layers is a great way to stay comfortable for the exam. This way, you can remove and add layers as you like. You don’t want your focus to be distracted by freezing fingers rather than concentrated on calculus.

With this, I leave you to diving into your books and notes. Do not overexert yourselves, and remember that your body is more important than your grades. Get on your thinking caps and I wish you all good luck on finals.

Some more test tips here: