Studying For Exams


We’re getting to the end of the school year and I’ve noticed that everyone is obviously super stressed. Exams are coming and people are starting to study. By now, I’m sure everyone has figured out how they like to study, but just in case, here are some tips on how I personally study for exams.

  1. Try and get revision sheets from your teachers. No matter what you think, they’re always on your side and want you to succeed. I’m sure lots of them have lists of concepts that you can review.
  2. For lots of people (me included) the key to studying is making everything look pretty. Get coloured pens and highlighters, even nice paper. Whatever you can find to motivate yourself more.
  3. Rewrite old notes. This is basically my whole study plan. For example, in science, my teacher gave us a sheet of concepts to and questions to help us study. So I’ve been using old notes to help me rewrite old information that I’ve kind of forgotten.
  4. Remember to take breaks. It can be overwhelming to try and cram everything into one night. So take it slow, breath and remember that you can get through it.

I hope this helped someone maybe a little, good luck to all those taking exams!