How To Study/Work More Effectively


Everyone needs to study or work whether it’s for an assignment or a report. Knowing these tips on how to work more efficiently will greatly improve how you study.

1. Stay Organized

By staying organized you can reduce the stress of needing to find things, which often wastes valuable time. Staying organized is vital and there are several ways to stay organized such as:

  1. Keeping everything in folders/binders
  2. Place all work with work that is similar to it
  3. Have all the materials that you need in a space near you
  4. Keep reminders stating when tests or assignments are due
  5. Develop a study routine for each day
  6. Work on one task at a time
  7. Declutter whenever possible

2. Ask Questions

Asking questions is really important because being unsure of things will make it tough to understand later. That might mean asking a teacher or a peer for help. This improves how effectively you can work by not having to stop and question what the answer might be or get stuck on an issue that comes across your work.

3. Review Notes

Keeping notes is quite helpful when you study for anything as you can look back and check whenever you need to. Taking notes has been proven to be helpful and can impact the way you work greatly. By doing this you can expand on it and create questions for yourself. This also helps with a quick review before a test or a presentation.

4. Study In Short Periods Of Time

Studying for short periods of time at a time stimulates brain activity and keeps you more focused on a task. Short study sessions over a long period of time have been proven to be more successful than long study sessions over a short period of time. By taking a break every 25-30 minutes it can make you more focused and energetic. This method can make you remember more information and can help you be more effective. An ideal study session is 30 minutes studying/practicing and then a 15-minute break.

5. Stay Away From Distractions

Even one distraction can make you lose focus completely this is why it is crucial to stay away from as many distractions as possible. Some examples of distractions are:

  1. Noise
  2. Technology
  3. Interruptions
  4. Multi-tasking
  5. Clutter

6. Switch It Up

Don’t keep focusing on one topic as that can cause you to become tired, impatient and bored. By switching things up, you can remember things easier and can help you to study several topics in one session.

7. Practice

Practice is essential as you can test your knowledge on a topic and see how you did. Doing this every time you study for a test will make you more proficient at tests and make you more confident on the topic. It also helps you get more focused, so its worth the time it takes.

8. Find Something That Motivates You

Studying can be boring to many people, so try adding things that will motivate you to study more. A common practice for many people is adding in a reward after a certain checkpoint. This causes you to go through your topics faster and makes you more proficient at reading/reviewing. A typical example of a reward is food.

9. Use Memory Games

Memory games are highly effective when you need to remember something long or complicated. Using a song or a rhyme can cause your brain to start automatically putting together words. Even just an abbreviation of a sentence/word can help as well.

10. See What Works

Everyone is different and has different methods for everything. By finding and trying what works on you is great, because when you find the method that works best for you then it can help you again in the future. Experimenting to find what works to make you more efficient is definitely worth the try.


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