Study Tips for the Procrastinator


Finals are almost upon us and for some, diploma preparation has already begun. As my first semester comes to a close I quickly scatter to begin studying. I have noticed that my study habits have taken a turn over the last few months. A whole semester can take a lot out of someone and to have that drainage leading up to the most important exams is quite unfortunate. I have developed my own techniques/tips to keep myself focused. I also need to mention that I myself am a huge procrastinator and really like doing bare minimum when it comes to studying. The tricks I use help me get over my procrastination and stay on task.

Managing your time if you get easily distracted:

Many people have suggested that taking 5 minute breaks every half hour or an hour can help you study effectively but I find that my inner ADD kicks in during these breaks and those five minutes turn into three Friends episodes and a bowl of Lucky Charms. I go by assignment portions. Breaking down your work instead of your time may help you achieve what you need and help avoid distractions. It also adds motivation; finish the lab report and take a quick break!

Finding a place to study:

It is very common to hear that a quiet place to study helps a lot but I find that white noise or a place with an atmosphere that isn’t necessarily boring can change your habit. I often find it hard to work in the desk in my room because I can easily daydream or take a nap etc. but when I go to a coffee shop or even a library the subtle noise change and other people help me to power through my work. It may be a personal weird preference but other noise than my music puts me in a good place to get through my work.

Apps and Programs:

  • Forest – an app that helps you stay off of your smartphone and focused on your work. When I need to focus for long periods of time (reading, reviewing etc) I turn on this app and set an amount of time. During this time the app plants a tree but if you decide to use your phone the tree dies. This app gives me the extra motivation to get my work done!


  • Coffitivity – an app that plays the noises of a coffee shop. I love this app because when I am unable to get out of the house and go somewhere to do my work this gives me that extra white noise to stay focused.


  • Quizlet – This app takes flashcards to a whole other level incorporating quizzes matching and access to all user’s flashcards. If you don’t have time to make your own flashcards this app will be your saviour and always seems to have the course and topic I need.


  • Self Control – This internet downloadable program helps me stay off of all the websites I find to be my biggest distractions AKA Netflix, Youtube, Twitter and Facebook. Just blacklist all the websites you find distracting and hit the books. There is no way to undo the block and you just have to simply wait until the time you’ve set ends.


Study hard, xx Sarah

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