Why Study When You Can Procrastinate?


Exams are just around the corner. Or they may already be done for you, I don’t know. You could pretend that this year you’re actually going to study hard every day for a month in advance, or you could read this list and get more ideas on how to procrastinate.

  1. Organize your work space. You can’t work without a pristine desk, right?
  2. Organize your bookshelf. Moving books around is definitely the same as reading them.
  3. Organize your closet.
  4. Go outside. The nice weather doesn’t last very long.
  5. Exercise. It’s good for your brain.
  6. Take a nap. Or ten. It’s good for you.
  7. Draw a very detailed diagram of something you need to know, but already know. Pretend that it’s a good use of your time.
  8. Colour the above diagram. Keep pretending that it’s a good use of your time.
  9. Do your laundry.
  10. Browse various recipe sites to find healthy snack ideas. Because you can’t study on an empty stomach.
  11. Spend a lot of time making the healthy snack.
  12. Find out that your snack isn’t actually healthy.
  13. Dig deeper to find all of the health benefits and disadvantages of your snack.
  14. Write an entire essay about food, health, and society. Pretend that you’re using your studying time wisely.
  15. Watch a few videos relating to the topics you should be studying for.
  16. Keep watching videos as they increasingly stray off the topics you should be studying for.
  17. Figure out the lowest mark you can get on the exam to get the final average you want.
  18. Figure out the lowest mark you can get on the exam to get the final average you could settle for.
  19. Daydream as your textbook is open in front of you.
  20. Review topics you needed to know years ago. You never know what may be on the exam.

Happy studying!


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