The Story of Stuff



We buy stuff everyday, no matter if it’s food, water, pen, pants, paper, paint, computer, shoes ……… Just A LOT of things, but wait a minute, do you ever realize where do they go after you trash it? or even what it takes to make some really simple stuff, like a pen! So, I went to do some research and watched a video called — The Story Of Stuff. It talks all about how our “produce – buy – dump” system hurts our environment. Have you ever thought about that before? Here are some tips to help save our environment.

Be earth’s friend! Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Rethink, Remember ………. (As many as you can think of!)

reduce1. Reduce

-Instead of buying new stuff that you’re not going to use very often, see if you can borrow it.

-Save energy by turning off lights

– Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth

-You can reduce waste by using a computer — watch the news and read magazines online instead of buying paper copies

-Use your car less, use public transit more to reduce pollution

2. Reuse3_reuse

-Store food in plastic containers – use LESS plastic wrap

-Use reusable grocery bags instead of plastic bags

-Use both sides of writing paper

-Plastic containers and reusable lunch bags are great ways to take your lunch to school in a more environmentally friendly way

3. Recycle

ap140i1Battery, Light blubs, Computer, Electronics, Cell Phones  – Drop it off in specific collection areas – Never in landfills, the chemical and materials in them pollutes the environment.

Paper, Cans, Plastic – Just in a recycling bin is good 🙂

– Recycle any materials you can to reduce waste! – But just remember to rinse it before recycling.

4. RethinkReThink-Long-Island-Waste-Disposal-Hierarchy-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle

Not to buy any extra products which you won’t use. THINK BEFORE YOU BUY! Save your money and protect the environment

remember-brain5. Remember

Keep all these 5 R’s in mind or at least 3 to protect our valuable environment