Stocking is the new planking


Wild and Crazy Guy Surfs on Chair

We are all aware of the trend that has taken Facebook profile pictures by storm, and that is planking. For those of you that don’t know, it’s taking a picture of you lying belly-down on the most peculiar object you can find; it can vary from the ground, to a chimney, to between two plane carry-on compartments. If you’re interested in more pictures, there’s a collection of the best planks courtesy of Geekosystem. However, most of us are getting tired of seeing a picture of someone lying down on their stomach. It gets really old, really fast.

Funnily enough, there’s a much more humourous trend that may be on the rise in the near future. It takes a lot more effort but the laughs are far more wholly. Two Austin-based designers Jamie G. and Dennis V.H. came up with an idea that would probably earn them the title of “two Austin-based geniuses.” It requires finding a stock photo online, and recreating it with yourself in it!  You have to get into full character and find the right pieces to make the comparison really work, but once it does, it’s hilarious! There is a Tumblr blog made by the aforementioned duo, called Stocking Is The New Planking; a blog that showcases what ordinary people can, well, stock!  Be sure to check that website out, you’ll get a few laughs guaranteed, and who knows?  You might just be inspired to give stocking a try for yourself!

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    • There’s no point to these fads. They become a meaningless thing of the past so quickly! …But alright, I admit I laughed at the guy stuck between two plane carry-on compartments.

      • The thing about stocking is that it’s satirising highly generic and horribly posed stock photos. It’s meant to exemplify the superficiality of stock photos so that others can both have a laugh, as well as see just how fake stock photos are, and most importantly, for people at work to find something to do other than work.

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