Where Do I Start With Cooking?


I’m the kind of person who really loves cooking and baking, it’s something that I do when I need to calm my brain down. Enjoying cooking and doing it often is really helpful when it comes to feeding myself and my parents. I’ve had loads of my friends tell me that they’re helpless when it comes to cooking. I will admit, having both my parents be chefs is quite helpful, but I can usually manage to follow a basic recipe. I’m not one to use cook books, because I usually find things online. So, I thought, for those who want to cook but don’t really know what recipes to follow or where to look, I’d write down my top 3 food websites, all jam packed with what I think are some pretty good recipes to follow.

#3 Serious Eats

So the Serious Eats website is  loaded with recipes and techniques to help people with cooking. The website also has videos and visual aids that don’t quite come in cookbooks.  I will admit I don’t use it too too often, but the few times that I have, I have found it wonderfully helpful and easy to follow.


#2 Green Kitchen Stories

If you’re a vegetarian, it can be sometimes hard (in my opinion) to find recipes that aren’t based around meat, and this blog is full of veggie friendly dishes. It’s run by three lovely bloggers and I can always find different plant based meals on the website. The photos are absolutely stunning, the recipes simple to follow and it’s very aesthetically pleasing.


#1 Smitten Kitchen

This website and I have been through a lot. I’ve been using it for years and its so helpful. It’s packed with easy recipes (baking and cooking alike) and I use it all the time. There are blog posts and blurbs before every recipe and it’s always my first choice when I’m looking for something to cook. (There’s also a surprise me button that’ll bring you to random recipes in the site and it’s really helpful for when you have no idea what you want to.)


I really hope this helps anyone who wants to get into cooking!