“Spring? Calgary? How do those two words fit in a sentence without the word ‘not’ existing somewhere in between?”
These were my thoughts as I was sipping hot chocolate, staring gloomily out the window as snow fell. It was the long weekend, and I had been planning to step outside and enjoy the sunshine. Well, that sure didn’t happen.
Then I realized the negativity of the situation, prompting me to write to like-minded Calgarians about why spring in Calgary is awesome.
1. Because it’s Calgary
Regardless of what we say, Calgary is our city and it will be awesome forever. I often find myself cursing the wind chills that creep up my spine every winter, but no matter what, life in Calgary is unique in every way and I love it to bits. Even the harsh winters. Because nothing matches the feels associated with sitting on a windowsill and watching time stop as the snow falls. It feels very poetic to be in that moment, absorbing everything in one’s surrounding yet remaining oblivious to them.
2. Because it’s Rare

Calgary’s weather is a whole lot like the mood swings of a teenager- it keeps changing. So I tend to enjoy the moments of sunshine and warmth with my friends every time I can. Those moments don’t appear again and again, and I HIGHLY recommend laying/sitting on the grass during spring days. It is a very peaceful feeling indeed. I feel the most alive when I’m outside (with the exception of being out during winter. it leaves me ‘Frozen’ to the bone and it is tough to ‘Let it Go’) (Forgive my pun, my ‘punny’ bone has been pretty active lately.)
3.Because of All the Colors
Spring is the season in which life bursts from the most dull of beings-the most visible form of life being vibrant colors. Flowers are in full bloom, grass is greener and spring colors are back in fashion. Besides, you can finally ditch those boots and that heavy winter jacket for some flats and a light hoodie. I mean, come on- who wants to lug heavy layers on their body all day? Spring is here to ditch those layers and run free with the wind(Remember how I had mentioned that I felt poetic in spring? Here’s a peek of my inner poet)
Hopefully, by this time, you realize how amazing spring in Calgary is 🙂 Have any more reasons? let me know int he comments below, or reach out to em on Facebook and Twitter 🙂 Happy Spring, people 🙂