Starting Believing…Stop Hating in 2013

It is our time to eliminate “bullying” from dictionaries…and our WORLD!

Isn’t it insane on how many teenage boys and girls have taken their own life due to being bullied? There are around 2.7 million students being bullied a year, doesn’t that sound ridiculous? Sadly it is true. In 2013 our goal should be to come up with some sort of solution for this horrible and life-harming sin. We must save the innocent victims, what if that was us or even our future children? We have all witnessed some sort of bullying.. perhaps we took a stand or remained bystanders, but now we all must stand together against vicious bullies.

Bullying does not just take place at school on the field but it takes place online, at home, at extra-curricular activities ..the bottom line is bullying takes place everywhere. How are we going to take a stand? Are we going to confront the bully..or ask an adult for help? Either WORKS! As long as we are doing something to help the innocent victim. We have all been scarred in our lives….but do we want others to go through what we have or what we have seen? What if you were that victim..? You must feel out of place..emotionally hurt..and lack confidence. All of us have experienced these feelings and just allowing it to happen to others doesn’t make us any better than being a bully.

In 2013 let’s embrace others differences, let’s compliment, let us give, let’s smile, let’s include others, let us prevent bullying. Let us take little steps to making everyone feel important and let us remember that we are all equal and deserve to be treated that way. In 2013 let us eliminate BULLYING from our lives and our future generations lives. What we do now impacts the future. Remember when helping a victim you are helping a bully too because hopefully after being put to a stop they can receive the help they need to become better people. Let us start a revolution and let us be the answer.

There are tons of ways you can get involved. Google anti-bullying programs, you can donate or provide assistance to…help save a life….or maybe even ten. Get involved..stop the hurt and spread the love. If everyone stopped inflicting pain onto others and starting sharing love…maybe just maybe one day there won’t even be a word in the dictionary called bullying.




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