Spotlight on Underrepresented Voice- “Crying in H-Mart”


As media becomes an increasingly dominant form of communication between individuals, communities and the world; it is safe to say that It is taking over our lives. With such great influence, there is much responsibility, for individuals to have a voice it means to be represented in media therefore, it is essential that we represent historical minorities and ensure that their perspectives are being given a platform to thrive. 

As someone who is deeply passionate about intersectionality in politics, inclusivity and representation, I wanted to fulfill my duty as a global citizen and share with you some of my favourite books by a minority. This way you get recommendations for your next binge-read while being part of a larger cause!

Crying in H-Mart” by Michelle Zauner

This is not only a memoir by Zauner about growing up as someone who is bi-racial, it’s a read that tugged at my heartstrings by her intimate exploration of missing a loved one and losing the link to your ethnic identity by using the metaphor and setting of a grocery market and food filled moments. Reading this book, I was sobbing uncontrollably just 10 pages in and I was inconsolable. I found relatability in moments I hadn’t experienced… I truly have no words for this book except that it is a raw representation of what it feels like to be of an ethnic background in the West, how your ties to your cultural identities can be severed and they remain lingering like a painful reminder of what you are losing. If you are looking to glance at life through such a perspective, “Crying in H-Mart” by Michelle Zauner is the book to go for.

Michelle Zauner herself is of Korean-Jewish ethnicity and American nationality. She is a prominent Asian-American singer often going by the name “Japanese Breakfast”, author and activist. She is an advocate for ongoing issues Asian-American issues in the United States and in her book she highlights the underlying marginalization of Asian-Americans in mainstream media and the ways in which grief is shaped by cultural context.

The book explores Michelle’s mentality, how she saw the world after losing her mother due to illness, and how she reconnected with her heritage through food. This book honestly captured my heart in a few pages and I hope it’ll be a similar experience for you as well!