Spider man: Homecoming


Before reading about my amazing adventure on the first Friday of  July, I must warn you about all the spoilers for the new Spider-Man: Homecoming movie.

On Friday, the 7th, after having written my exam and a long week at summer school, a good friend of mine and I had made the plan to go see the Spider-Man: Homecoming movie. I went in fully prepared to be disappointed. Had I known I would fall completely in love with this new actor (name?) who is returning (from what/where) my all-time favourite superhero in the Marvel Universe. This Spiderman movie was quite special for me because the day that it released was actually my 10-year anniversary staying in Canada! I’ve lived in this country the longest I’ve lived in any other country in my whole life and this has been a day I’ve been looking forward to since I was 7 years old. Personally I am not one who believes in fate, I do believe Spider-Man releasing on my 10 year anniversary was fate for a big fan like me.

My friend had booked tickets at a theatre in Northeast Calgary, but we happened to be at a different theatre. We ran into the manager and he was kind enough to give us free passes because he felt bad that we were there prepared to see the movie, read already bought a popcorn, poutine and drinks. There was already a showtime of Spiderman and since we’ve only missed 10 minutes of the movie we decided to watch. We asked the concession for the passes to the running Spider-Man movie and he told us to go to the 10 theatre; it turns out we paid for the regular movie tickets and he got to see it in IMAX 3D! We got a bang for our buck. The movie was fantastic. I loved how Tony Stark was like his father figure in this and how we didn’t yet again have to watch Uncle Ben die because that would just too painful. I like how this Peter does not use Bing like in Andrew Garfield’s portrayal and actually looks pretty young even though I know for a fact he isn’t. But I probably loved most about this movie is that Tom Holland did most of his own stunts. Mary Jane didn’t have her iconic red hair, I don’t know why but it just bothered me. I don’t see why he had to have an extra love interest that he was never truly going to pursue.

Another thing I really couldn’t appreciate about this movie was how young Aunt May was. If you do the math, she would have to be around 17 years old if she was to receive Peter at age 3, if his parents left him in her care which I just don’t see possible. But I did like his best friend and his need to be the guy in the chair and his little back up buddy and I loved how when they disabled the training wheels protocol it was whole new level of fun and his little bonding time with Karen in the storage cell. But the after after credit scene with Roger’s killed me. Captain America talked about the virtue of patience and I couldn’t believe I waited for that, I waited 15 minutes for Captain America to talk about patience! I was so disappointed yet entertained I wish I could have cried!

I think this new Spider-Man has the potential to really grow and make an impact on the kids today and being a kid who grew up with Tobey Maguire and watch the original Spider-Man movie every single day after school that can truly say I was  happy with this new Spider-Man. I hope that they continue to make the movie as good as they did this time.