Things To Do When You’re Bored


This is an overused blog topic. I know this for a fact.

Summer is meant for hanging out with friends. Summer is meant for spending quality time with your family. But, if you’re anything like me and like to spend this free time cooped up in your bedroom alone rather than going outside and enjoying the vitamin D, then here are a few things you can do before summer 2017 ends.

Welcome to the guide that definitely wasn’t asked for and probably will not do good for the increasing numbers of antisocial teens.

1: Binge-Watch a TV Show

I mean, this is a no brainer! What’s better than sitting down by yourself and watching a couple seasons of a show? You know, no big deal. I’m currently hooked on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Grey’s Anatomy. I’ve finished seven seasons of Grey’s in about five weeks. I like to call that an accomplishment.

2: Make Spotify Playlists

Okay, now this is actually fun and a good use of your time, quite honestly. What I like to do is make playlists for varying moods, like this one meant for calming vibes:

It’s super fun going through Spotify to find music you like, and putting them together. Besides, school is about to start again and you’ll need a good playlist to listen to while going and coming from there.

3: Join a Fandom

Fandoms, I think, are a blessing to this planet. I’ve loved the band One Direction for as long as I can remember, and a few years ago I made the decision to join the online fandom, and it’s probably been one of my best decisions thus far. Everyone’s a family there, and you can meet new people and make new friends. You can also get recognition for making cool things like fanfiction, fan art, video edits, and picture edits! If there’s a celebrity you happen to like, I definitely suggest joining the online fandom over the summer.

4: Do Things For Yourself!

Self love is the best love! Take care of yourself over the summer. Do things like putting on a face mask, painting your nails, a bubble bath, etc. etc. It always leaves me feeling great.

5: Watch Tutorials For Things That You’ll Probably Never Do

You know, those 30 second Instagram cooking tutorials, or makeup tutorials. Or you know, ones that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. They’re still fun to watch, though!


6: Go On Children’s Websites and Trick The Children

The fact that I’m suggesting you do this and have done this in the first place is kind of alarming and proves I truly am lonely, but hear me out. One of the most fun things to do is going on Club Penguin, Poptropica, or Roblox and trick the children their into thinking you’re one of them. Or, in simpler terms, trick them into thinking you’re a child as well. It’s quite fun and will give you many laughs. (Also, Poptropica isn’t that bad of a game.)


7: Learn All The Lyrics To A Rap Song

My friends, this is one of the most fun thing you could ever do. I recently learnt all the lyrics to Super Bass by Nicki Minaj, and, if I do say so myself, I spit fire everywhere I go.


And there, my fellow introverts, is seven unique things to do when you’re bored but would rather wallow away in your loneliness than doing the easy task of meeting up with a friend!


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