Soul Surfer movie blows us out of the water

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To tell readers the truth, I didn’t have high hopes for this movie. I had never heard anyone speak of it before, nor did I know what kind of story I was in for. Was it going to be like Jaws, or more of a generic incident-struggle-accomplishment movie? Luckily, it was neither of those. I was blown out of the water (pun definitely intended) by the way Soul Surfer made me feel; I felt right at home with the family, as if I had known them forever. I understood the pressure the main character was feeling, and I could almost feel the elation of carving through the waves the way the actors and actresses did. I felt an almost instant affinity for the main character, and what she felt, I felt. This movie sweeps you along in waves of feeling, sculpted by moments of intensity, tenderness and hope, and then deposits you softly on the beach at the end of the movie, feeling very satisfied. When I stood up to leave my seat, I was very impressed by the directing and film-making, but even more so by the actual story itself. That’s when the words “based on a true story” flashed on screen, and footage of the actual surfer started playing. Needless to say, it blew me away to think that this had all really happened to one person.

One more aspect of the movie that really impressed me was the selection of music. Unlike the trailer, the movie itself doesn’t actually use Top 40 pop hits. I had never heard of any of the songs before, but I really enjoyed them and would listen to most of the soundtrack again.

Final verdict: An amazing true story that is an exciting and refreshing  take on the whole “personal journey” genre.

My rating: 9/10

Out in theatres April 8th, 2011


  1. The trailer pretty much made me cry! I didn't expect this movie to be worth going to the theatre but after your review I'll definitely check it out! Thanks.

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