Somewhere, somehow (Limerick)


Even when I’m not there with you physically,
I’m always with you daily.
Because when I said we’d be, you and me,
When I said I’d love you endlessly,
I’m somewhere, somehow there with you, baby.

Photo credits go to

Nothing like a few sweet lines to help warm your day as the days get colder.

Yes, this isn’t exactly the kind of post I do every week but here’s my reason as to why I’m posting this instead of a new “meets life” post: I’m in the works of prepping an Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin meets life post with some other bloggers so there’s no new meets life this week. However, I am still issuing a challenge to you, the reader, and my fellow YAA friends: if you’re in a relationship, you can understand that with so many factors taking your free time away like school, work, and stress, it’s hard to treat the one you love to a movie night or nice dinner to help ease away the stress for a few hours.

This week, I challenge you to make it work. Here’s a few tips to get you started:

-Plan something for your girlfriend/boyfriend for the week, even if it’s just a small gift like a card. Take them out to a movie, or you can take a pair of earphones, a good song, and slow dance somewhere special. They’re going to enjoy the little rainbow that they see within the storm.

-If you’re not in a relationship (… like me), then you can still do something special for your family or friends. Plan the weekend to hang out with some of your friends for a while; no homework, no school, no stress. Go grab a meal to eat, a movie to watch, and wash away the tension that’s already been building since the new school year started.

-If you’re not up to hang out with anyone, then you can still enjoy some time alone. Take an hour or two to refresh yourself this weekend. Clear your mind of your stress by doing your favorite hobby, watching an old movie, cuddling up to read a good book, or simply taking a rest. It’s good to take a small break every once in a while.

There’s always time to make for those you care for.  Don’t forget that.