Well, you COULD get a part time job… it pays, but otherwise where is
the fun in that? If you’re not willing to follow someone else’s hours, you should start your own business! Try using one of the ideas below!!

Shoveling driveways: it may not be that glamorous but everyone
needs it done. So grab some hot chocolate and a shovel and go door to
Caroling and selling cookies/hot chocolate!!!: Are you a good singer?
Do you have friends who would want to come with? Get a group together
and make some chocolate chip cookies and/or some hot chocolate, then go singing door to door with 25 cent cookies and 50 cent or $1 hot chocs!
(only works in December, sorry!)
Selling cookies or other small snacks to companies: If you’re a good cook, you should consider making a deal with companies. You see, companies have meetings all the time, right? And the people who come to the meetings like snacking on things. If there is food at the meetings, it will encourage employees to attend, which every company wants. So they might be willing to pay you if you make a little snack for everyone, say, once a week!
Hopefully you liked my ideas, if not you could make up your own wacky idea!!