Social rules when using a smart phone


man-using-smartphoneThese days, there’s no denying that smart phones are a part of our lives. It’s a huge part of our social system and the way we link to the world. However, there are some times where you need to put the phone down. Here are my social rules for using a smart phone.

  1. If you are on the street, use your headphones please! People might not want to know what movie are you watching or if you cleared the level on Candy Crush.
  2. If you are using your headphones, don’t turn the volume up too loud. If you are not afraid of hearing loss or getting hit by a car, that’s fine. Again, people around might be tired of listening to your stuff.
  3. Don’t pretend you are so focused on your movie or game, you can’t offer a seat on the bus for people in need.
  4. If you want to read news, download yours. Don’t lean and peek.
  5. If you want to take a picture of a something, others might want to as well. So, move over. Share the space.
  6. Nowadays, in the middle of a meeting, texting has become normal. However, can you please turn vibrate off before putting on the table. It can be scary for the people around you if your phone is vibrating.
  7. Control your phone! The vibrating noise is louder then you think. Silent is best.
  8. Phone running out of juice? Please ask earlier for your friend’s charger. Don’t wait until it’s 5%.
  9. Going out for lunch? Stop texting or Facebooking. It doesn’t actually feel that good for your friend if you are the only one doing it.
  10. Watching a movie? Phone OFF. Please. We don’t need your background music interrupting the climax.
  11. If you are in a vehicle and not alone, lower your voice please. Your friend’s and the fell0w passenger’s ears will feel better.

There could be way more on this list. This is just what me and my friends think. However, it’s just little things people have to pay attention to. If we all just look after it a little more, the change will come naturally.