Social media and your professional profile


I used to think that people who used social media just liked the attention…and even if that may be a little true, I have discovered that social media can help you immensely for your professional profile!

For those who do not know which social media platform to “go professional” on, I suggest LinkedIn, one of the largest professional networks that connect people. I also recommend Twitterespecially if you are a blogger. You can get more hits by tweeting your post and connecting it with your Facebook account. Plus, more companies will know that you are a part of a well-established blog.

Keep in mind that there are implications of posting something online, no matter what the context is. The wonderful thing about social media is that it is easy to share content: so keep in mind that something you post may get back to your boss or mom. You can read more about how the web never forgets on American Journalism Review.

A few quick tips and reminders (and more from the Mobile Office Technology section on About):

  • Avoid posting something inappropriate: you do not want one image to tarnish your reputation and ruin your chances with a future employer
  • Separate your personal life and your professional life: you do not want to publicize a negative Tweet on an account where employers can see it
  • Edit your profile information: ensure it is up to date and contains relevant information
  • Review your privacy settings on your social networks: you do not want to make everything public, plus on Facebook you can put people on the “Limited Profile” list

There is an article on Social Media Explorer suggesting the best applications to build your online professional profile and another article on The Guardian describing which social media platforms can boost your professional profile.

When you are building a professional profile, remember:

  • Use a professional picture
  • Invite people to your network
  • Join groups and try to be active
  • Update your profile and statuses, but avoid over-using as people do not want to be “spammed” with updates
  • Avoid posting any inappropriate content such as complaints about your employer, statuses containing profanity or actions that are frowned upon, and so forth

Good luck with your professional profile and look out for more articles related to professionalism, jobs and careers! If you have any suggestions then feel free to comment below!