Social media eliminates happiness



Around us in our daily lives, the truth is simple – we’re all deceived. We constantly find ourselves surrounded by so many things that look great on the outside but really are just the opposite. People want money, the latest games, new clothes. They are of the opinion that material things make an individual happy, however I find this untrue. The fact always realized, although often too late in life, is that happiness is not dependent upon one’s material wealth. Happiness is one of those very few things in life that cannot be bought and varies from person to person on how it can be achieved.

Having money only serves our needs in life, a means to the basic necessities of life. Spending money and getting things from money does not contribute to an individual’s happiness. The material things merely serve as a temporary misconception of happiness and a temporary derailment from the fact that happiness can only truly be found within. Happiness is found through accomplishments, time shared with loved ones, and interactions with society in general.

Which essentially brings me to the idea of social media. What exactly is social media? It can simply be seen as an enabler of social networking through means such as applications and websites. Social media was created to make interaction between people easier and to eliminate barriers in communication, such as location. Although fulfilling that purpose, today it has become a new form of human destruction. And by this I don’t mean the most typical form of destruction (physical), but the most important, the emotional. The ultimate determinant of happiness.


Why are a lot of people in the world today unhappy? Take a close look at what you spend half your day on. Social media has essentially destroyed the lives of many today; people are insecure because of the judgement received on the networks, people are bullied, people are treated terribly based on who they are. Social media has become like a high school, with many flaws despite its perks. It’s a place where the ‘popular’ kids dominate, kids are mistreated because of who they choose to be, and the worst form of bullying takes place.

We all know that nothing in life can be entirely perfect. Social media may have its perks which it serves well but it still has its flaws. We all have a role to play towards the elimination of the flaws, to enable social media as a means to happiness for everyone.
