SnorgTees. Geek-Nerd T-Shirts FTW.


Are you someone that laughs are science or math jokes? Or are you at least someone that understands them?

If you are, then you should check out this website for t-shirts. It will be your ultimate style soulmate. Look at me go; I’m like a natural born saleswoman. Woohoo. But seriously, these t-shirts are funny. Get one and we’ll be best friends.

Okay, so even if you don’t understand geeky jokes, don’t you just love it when someone takes a few seconds out of their life to read what’s on your t-shirt? It’s one thing for them to stop and read, but for them to laugh. Oh good golly, it makes me a happy camper. Doesn’t that just make your day? Well, I stumbled across these t-shirts and decided that I’m going to save my money to buy a boatload of these t-shirts. Most of them are around $20, but they’re worth it~ Here, go check them out.

BUT WAIT! There’s more~ You can submit a t-shirt design with some punny sayings, clever words, or cute picture. Anything. If they choose your idea, SnorgTees will give you $150 and a free shirt. It doesn’t even matter if you’re not an artist. Just send a decent explanation of your design and you could get free stuff *-*. This is where to go to submit ideas.

These are my favorite t-shirt designs:



Strategic Tic Tac Toe.

Because it’s like Star Wars. Haha… I laughed for a long time.

Clever reference to the new distracted driving bylaw? I think so. I wouldn’t wear this shirt while driving… I don’t know if it could get you pulled over :/

For Mario Kart gamers.


Just for the days where you just don’t care.

I killed a mommy spider once, and the next day, one of her kids attacked me. No lie. He ended up crawling into my leggings. It wasn’t even funny.



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