Snapshots From a Midsummer’s Day


I haven’t done photography in a long, long time. Everything just looked so boring and grey to me.

But there was something magical about wandering in my little community park, the road behind me and summer ahead. All of a sudden, everything became so beautiful-how could I not have noticed? It feels like a shift of perspective. For all these years, I took planes and travel and foreign lands for granted, so familiarity became mundane to me. What do those flowers by the sidewalk have in comparison to grand waterfalls, towering mountains, and the vast ocean?

Now, however, the little, beautiful details mean everything. I’m sick of the same square houses, the same grey sidewalks. Now, little flowers are more beautiful than a scatter of stars. The wind sings and dances in the leaves. And everything is so green, so surreally beautiful.

The little details are like snapshots in my mind. I hope these memories last forever.

Hidden in the grass
Peeking through the bushes
A few steps away from the road
Growing on the side of a paved path
Beside a parking lot
Just an ordinary bush
Behind some dead wood
Growing out of a rusted bike
Shining in the plain grass