I’m no pro photographer, but like everyone, I love taking pictures on my phone. I’ve compiled a gallery of my favourite photos that I’ve taken, most, if not all, processed through VSCO. What can I say? Guess I’m basic.
some park in near seattle, washington capitola beach, CA arlington cemetery, washington, D.C… i think lombard street looking down, SF banks in philly, PA stanford campus, CA beach vibes from cozumel, mexico water bottle of best city in america, SF desert in phoenix, AZ a street in san fran, CA biodome, quebec lombard street looking up, SF philly cheesesteaks in philly, PA SF-MoMA, CA pretty water in golden, BC probably on macleod, YYC kananaskis skiing goodnight from london by jennifer robson, read in canola field waterton, AB canmore, AB most likely cayman islands landing in philly, PA views in jamaica sights from cozumel, mexico