-sigh- Scholarship applications… wait a minute


Hey guys, I recently stumbled upon this awesome website called www.youthcanada.ca.  As I was browsing around, an article in particular grabbed my attention immediately: A Definitive Guide To Winning Scholarships.  (Well it was also the featured article, but that’s beside the point LOL) Now that I’m finally enjoying the last few months of my high school career, I have to say that the most stressful and tedious task in high school is not actually applying to University, but fishing for the many scholarships in an ocean of what seems to be unattainable money at times.

Whatever reasons you may need a scholarship for, be it financial assistance, or sometimes just the prestige, this guide is one of the most comprehensive guides I’ve ever seen on the net, and it’s absolutely free!

I won’t say anymore about the ebook, because you can see for yourself here, but I’m sure disappointed at the fact that I found it after already applying for several scholarships aimlessly without really knowing the art of winning a scholarship.

I hope you guys find it helpful and spread it to your friends!  Because I’m sure this guide isn’t being read as much as it deserves to be!


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