Showing Appreciation to the Veterans Around Us – Extending Beyond Remembrance Day


Image by Laurentiu Lordache on Unsplash

Every year on November 11th, thousands of people worldwide come together to remember and honour the sacrifices made by brave soldiers in battle during various wars in the past. 

In Canada specifically, we hold remembrance day ceremonies in schools to commemorate our war veterans, partaking in the 2 minutes of silence at 11:00 AM, and reciting poems such as In Flanders Fields and For the Fallen

Today, after attending my school’s Remembrance Day assembly, a question was burning in my mind: How can we show appreciation to our veterans beyond Remembrance Day? When we, as students, leave our school gym, remembrance day ends for us. However, for the millions of war veterans worldwide, the traumatic memory and experience of war follow them wherever they go, and the fact that they have once fought in a war is a fact that is impossible to shake. 

So, beyond reciting poems and wearing poppies, how else can we show appreciation to the brave veterans around us and continue to honour the dead in our everyday lives?

In preparation for the official Remembrance Day on November 11th, I wanted to share some acts of appreciation we can do in our day-to-day lives. 

  1. Volunteer at a veteran organization

There are many veteran organizations worldwide, such as The American Legion, the Habitat for Humanity, and many more. These organizations help support veterans worldwide by holding food drives, creating care packages, providing social and economic support, and many more. Volunteering at a local veteran organization is not only a great way to give back to your local veteran community, but also a chance for you to get to know and thank veterans in your area!

Look under the “Veterans & Military Families category” on to discover volunteer opportunities! 

  1. Write thank you cards

We all know veterans in our lives, whether it be our grandfathers, neighbours, relatives, and more! A simple way to show appreciation is to make them a thank you card detailing your gratitude towards their service. A simple card like this can go a long way in showing appreciation!

  1. Treat a veteran to a meal

Sharing a meal with a veteran is a great opportunity for them to share their life story. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know them better and show your gratitude for their efforts in past wars. 

  1. Support veteran organizations 

Donating to a veterans charity or organization helps struggling veterans get access to necessities such as food, warm clothes, housing, mental health support, and many more. Donating is the most direct way to thank veterans for their service and help them recover from the aftermath of war. 

Hopefully this post gave you some ideas on how to take a more active role in showing gratitude to veterans! Personally, I will be sending thank you cards to the veterans in my life, such as my grandmother, and the veterans at a senior home in my city. 

How do you plan on showing appreciation to the veterans worldwide, and around you? I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments! 



10 Ways to Honor Those Who Have Served Our Country this Veterans Day