Showing Appreciation: A Poem for my Mom


In elementary school I made you artwork on Mother’s Day,

And I gave you another on Father’s Day. 

In junior high I made you breakfast,

And in high school I bought you a present. 

But the other 363 days I gave you attitude, arguments, and tears.

I yelled at you for making me do chores,

And I was mad because I thought you were pushing me too hard.

When I turned 18 you gave me the books you wrote when you were raising me,

And now I know that everything you did was in my best interest. 

As a new adult I got a rude awakening as to how tough life can be,

And I see how much you have sacrificed for me.

I wrote this to say thank you,

To say I love you,

Even when I forget. 

You are the strongest woman I know,

You raised me by yourself,

And gave me everything you had.

You taught me to be resilient and hardworking, 

But also loving and caring.

I could not ask for a better role model than you.

All that I am, 

And all that I will become, 

It is because of you. 

So thank you,

To the moon and back.

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