Serving0fNeRd: How to use Twitter


Twitter is a fascinating social networking site that has so much to offer. It is far more than just posting a 140 character status (which is in fact called a tweet). You can upload photos, videos, links to other sites, and learn a lot from following different people and organizations.

Start out by making your account. {side note: you can change your username in the future :)}
Once you’ve got that down, start following and tweeting.

Following people provides you with a Timeline (similar to your Facebook newsfeed) of Tweets from those who you follow. Your timeline let’s you know “what’s happening”.

Tweet about things you’re interested in, things you’re doing, etc. Retweet other people’s tweets that you enjoy. And be adventurous, try a hashtag (#) which “is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages”. Need some extra help? Check out the Twitter Glossary. 🙂

It’s a fun new world, get out there and see what’s happening 😉

Here is are 10 exciting people/organizations to start following: – @youthareawesome

Youth Central – @YouthCentralYYC

SaM (that would be me) – @Serving0fNeRd – @thinkgeek

Craig Kielburger – @craigkielburger

Lord Voldemort – @Lord_Voldemort7

College Humor – @CollegeHumor

Discovery News – @Discovery_News

Post Secret – @postsecret

NOH8 Campaign – @NOH8Campaign