New semester resolutions

A new semester is another beginning for whatever you want it to be.
A new semester is another beginning for whatever you want it to be.

Let’s be honest, when you are in high school and January, the month for exam tsunamis, comes rolling around, you do not have time to think about “starting the new year right.” On the other hand, once the month comes to a close, we can become more intrinsic on what we want to improve in ourselves. This sensation is what I like to call, “new semester resolutions.” Maybe you figured out a better studying method last semester or simply want to improve on your productivity in school, whatever the cause, the second semester presents a unique opportunity for you to further yourself as a student, without the pressures that January presents.

So forget about that immense guilt you have been feeling for the past few weeks because the new semester is just around the corner. Here are some of my new semester resolutions:

1. Sleep– A regular amount of sleep is essential to one’s health. It is suggested to get around 7-8. I used to ignore this significant fact to push myself that extra two or three (or four) hours to cram for that test the next morning. But I have noticed that I have not been myself and feel even more stressed and pressured. If your teachers do not warn you enough, sleep is actually one of the key ingredients for acing that test. Your brain needs the time to filter through the day’s information. Get your Z’s!

2. Keep organized– An agenda is something that I always promise I will keep on top of. But over the years, I have learned that they do not work for me. What I need to work on is deterring procrastination and updating my electronic planner. Go with what works for you. Everyone is wired differently. Organizational tips that work for others, may not be the perfect fit for you. Get to know yourself and find that inner-Hermione, to see what will make you the best prepared.

3. Find a hobby– I have always been telling myself to be “well-rounded.” But my definition of a “well-rounded” person has discounted what truly interests me. Sure, I have my passions and extra-curricular activities, but I have yet to find what I just like to do for fun. Movie nights and hanging out with my friends is a great way to spend the weekend, but I want to find something that is special to just me, something that I can enjoy with my own thoughts. It is important to have that time for yourself. I guess you can say that this semester I want to find myself. This may be the ultimate cliché, but it does not negate the value of what it represents. You have to live with yourself everyday, so why not get a chance to know who that person exactly is.

A new semester is another time of opportunities with new classes, new teachers and new classmates. Cease these chances for whatever you want to make of them. This is the chance for you to improve, discover and begin again.