Be a Secret Santa for a Teacher!



That’s right, reddit folks, you can participate in this year’s first Gifts for the Teachers exchange on redditgifts. Earlier, I have mentioned that you could be a Secret Santa in the summer. If you missed out on that opportunity, then do not fret! You can still help out a teacher around the world by generously giving a gift package for them. There are still approximately 160 teachers in need of your support! Reddit believes that

“Every year teachers spend far too much money out of their own pockets to teach children. We think we can help these teachers out, just a bit, by sending them some

supplies to get their year started off right. If you can spend $15 or more on some supplies for a teacher, please sign up. If you’re a teacher who needs some supplies, please sign up.”

So why don’t you apply to be a Secret Santa now? It’s totally fun, even if your giftee doesn’t seem to appreciate it. It’s good to know that at least you did something for someone else. Plus, it usually feels better to give than to receive a gift!