Scary Movie Review #1: Paranormal Activity 2


Paranormal Activity 2 PosterThis past weekend, I went to go see Paranormal Activity 2 with some friends. To start off, this movie was the scariest, most terrifying movie I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot of scary movies.

This movie is rated 14A but I believe should be rated 18A. It is not that there is graphic or horrific images or stuff like that, but there is a whole lot of stuff that jumps out at you. The suspense in this movie is also crazy intense!

I found that the first Paranormal Activity movie was not exciting and that there would be no point watching the second one, but I took the chance to watch it, and I am glad that I did, even though I screamed loudly numerous times. I would wait until it comes out onto DVD before seeing the movie, unless you want a big scare.

The movie takes place in a house with the demon spirit haunting the whole family. Near the end, you find out that all the demons are after is the baby. Anyway, I don’t want to give too much away, but Paranormal Activity 2 is a very good movie. I would suggest it to people over the age of 15 so they don’t get too scared. Make sure to check it out!