On Halloween, the movie Saw 3D was playing in the theatre and it grossed over 23.61 million in the United States. This is the 7th installment of the movie Saw and its popularity doesn’t seem to be declining. Saw 3D was said to be the end of this series, but we will never know. I think is best for them to not have an eight just because an ending like seven is good enough for most of the fans.

This movie is about a bunch of Jigsaw’s students fighting over Jigsaw’s equipment while the suvivors in the past movies gathered together, seeking Bobbie for survival advice. However, Bobbie himself has a big, dark secret and everything just went wrong again.

This movie is much bloodier than the previous ones (thanks to technology) and it is very suitable for someone who loves to watch the human body torn to pieces.

Here is the trailer.

[youtube nVQZIJr6z2g]