Save the Planet – One Simple Step at a Time


For the approximate 200,000 years humans have resided on Earth, we’ve accomplished a lot. From agriculture to electricity, humans have experienced rapid developments and huge breakthroughs in various fields. However, in this process, one important thing was forgotten – how these actions impacted our planet. Fortunately, we are starting to take notice now. The Green Book (printed on one hundred percent recycled paper, no less) by Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigan, contains many little steps we can take to help save our planet.

Here are a couple of their tips (paraphrased):

–  Recycle electronics: electronics need to be disposed of properly, since they contain toxic chemicals that can leach into groundwater when discarded in a landfill, or create air pollution when incinerated.

–  Don’t be careless with water – don’t leave it running: only 20 per cent of the world’s population has running water, and 884 million people lack access to safe water supplies.

–  Buy rechargeable batteries: you’ll also save money over time, and one rechargeable battery can replace up to a thousand single-use alkaline batteries.

–  Download your software: this will reduce the number of CDs that end up being tossed.

–  Double-side your photocopies: if one in four office workers double-sided all of their copies, 130 billion sheets of paper would be saved.

–  Keep your tires fully inflated: this could improve your gas mileage by 3 per cent, and your tires will last longer.

Again, these are only some of the many tips that are mentioned in the book. I highly recommend you check it out!
