6 Exchange Trips to Satisfy Your Wanderlust


Late last spring I found myself in desperate need for some change. Although the school year was ending soon, I was feeling depleted. It was then I decided to be the pilot of my own life and make some changes. I signed up for more projects with Youth Central, attempted to find myself a stable hobby, and started applying for jobs. I had never even thought of applying for an exchange trip until a friend of mine informed me of the opportunity. A colleague of hers at the U of C was the Calgary Coordinator for the YMCA Summer Work Exchange Program and she was in need of more applicants. This specific exchanges gives youth the ages of 16 and 17 the opportunity to live and work in Quebec for 6 weeks while their exchange twin does the same in their city. Without thoroughly thinking about it, I applied for the program. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Just when I felt as if nothing was going for me, I was accepted into a program where I would be employed and living in a province where I could put into practice the verb conjugations I have acquired from 4 years of french immersion.

"be the pilot of your own life"
“be the pilot of your own life”

In truth, it was an incredible experience. I have yet to dedicate a single blog post to honor my trip but for now I’ll share with you the gist of it. I boarded the train (shout out to Via Rail Canada, taking the train to Quebec gave us the chance to checkout beautiful scenery) and realized only then, that I was jumping off of a diving board and not knowing how high up I was (if you catch my drift). Despite the fact that I started the summer off not knowing anyone, I got to meet the most eccentric and down to earth people from all over Canada. My host family was welcoming, as well as patient and understanding when it came to my mediocre French language abilities. I was afraid of everything imaginable at the beginning of the summer. It was the first time I was away from my family for more than a weekend but by the second week of August when I was back at home, the post-Quebec depression hit hard.

Exchange trips give you the opportunity to become acquainted with a new corner of the world as you meet stirring individuals. They offer education that cannot be obtained solely in a classroom. If you are interested in participating in an exchange, below are some opportunities for you to do so. NTS: It is near the end of application season for most exchange trips.

If you have gone on an exchange trip, have any questions that I may be able to answer or want to share more exchange trip opportunities, contact me! I would love to hear your story.


Operation GroundsWell – Backpacking With a Purpose
Operation Groundswell Click the link to find out about their mission, programs and gloabal impact. If you want to volunteer abroad, this is for you!


Canada World Youth
Youth can change the world! Canada World Youth offers a variety of programs in over 20 countries of the world that give youth the opportunity to make an impact.


YMCA Summer Work Exchange Program
Whether or not you know how to speak french, with the YMCA Summer Work Exchange Program you can work at non-profit organizations in Quebec for 6 weeks. Coming back home with almost $2,000.


Habitats for Humanity
click Habitats Southern AB for volunteer opportunities near by and Habitats for more information on the opportunity to travel and help provide safe, decent and affordable housing.


Destination Clic
Destination Clic is a program for youth in grades 8 and 9! the program offers you 3 weeks in Quebec to indulge in the french culture and make memories.


National Student Commonwealth Forum
If you are interested in going to Canada’s beautiful capital for a week to participate in a model Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) check out the NSCF


If these exchange programs are not to your fancy, check out more opportunities

Not all who wander are lost.
À Tantôt