Sam’s Weekly Serving of NeRd: Picnik time!


Need to spruce up a photo?  Feeling a bit bland?  Then say hello to Picnik!  You don’t need to be a nerd to enjoy it 🙂

Picnik is a free online software that allows you to edit, or “picnik,” your photos. You have a variety of effects, fonts, frames, stickers and crazy stuff to play with.  Plus, you can get photos directly from Facebook and upload them back to your album when finished.

Picnik Premium is the paid version of Picnik, which, if you are an avid Picniker, is well worth your money.  There is a huge amount of new effects that are only available on Premium.  Plus, the special seasonal effects are always at hand.  But don’t feel obliged to buy–regular Picnik does an equally good job.

One thing I should mention is that Picnik is not identical to PhotoShop.  With Picnik, you can’t do fancy cropping the way you can in PhotoShop… or at least not yet ;).

So try out Picnik! Add some text to that silly photo of your friend, brighten up your profile picture, or create a collage to e-mail to your grandparents.  Happy Picniking! ♥

Picnik is photo editing awesomeness, online, in your browser.  It’s the easiest way on the Web to fix underexposed photos, remove red-eye, or apply effects to your photos.



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