Sam’s Weekly Serving of NeRd: Calgary Youth Science Fair

Go beyond the paper maché volcano!

It’s not too late to start! With just under 50 days until the 49th annual CYSF, now is a good time to get researching, if you haven’t already.

The Calgary Youth Science Fair is an amazing opportunity for students grades 5 – 12 to explore a specific scientific interest to its fullest. Every year, almost 1000 students participate from schools all over Calgary, sharing their knowledge and competing for awards.

This will be my 6th year entering the science fair and I can personally vouch for what an amazing experience the CYSF is.

Did you know that science fair projects don’t have to be just experiments? They can be innovation and research too (I’ve done a research project every year up until now–I finally started my first experiment!). There are loads of project categories to choose from, as well–from social sciences to food studies (you thought I was going to say “from engineering to computer sciences,” didn’t you? :D).

The deadline to register your project is February 10th!–NOTE: your school must have pre-registered in the fall. And if they didn’t? Talk to your science coordinator about registering for next year–it’s never too early to start next year’s project 😉

So check out the site (click here!), talk to your science coordinator/teacher and work that log book!! I should probably add that you better get your hands on a 5′ x 8′ trifold. Yep, you read that right: five feet by eight feet. They’re such a beautiful thing. If you don’t have a spare sitting around the house (NO, you cannot have mine!), contact Science Is… to order one–look under “Odds & Ends”.

Not participating this year? Be sure to come on the Saturday morning (March 20, 9 – 11:30am) at the Big4 on the Stampede Grounds to check out all the amazing entries from CYSF 2010. With no admission charge, who can resist such an invitation?

Stay tuned, March 18, when I will post my project table location–come and say hi on March 20! See you then ♥

future CYSF dates!

The mission of the Calgary Youth Science Fair Society is “to promote an appreciation for scientific principles and method in the youth of Calgary by means of an annual science competition”.


  1. Can you send me your past research projects that were not experiments. I am in grade 7 and doing my science fair project on Causes of Migraines — Migraines:Fact or Fiction.

    Can you please provide some suggestions as to how I can do a research project on the topic I have chosen.

    Thanks in advance

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