Sam’s Weekly Serving of NeRd: Alkali Metals


Simply stated: alkali metals + water = kaboom. 😀

The alkali metals are the elements located in the first column, known as a family or group, of the periodic table.  These elements are lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and the most reactive of all, francium (Fr).  When added to water, these metals react with fiery and explosive wrath.  This is due to the fact that they only have one outer or valence electron, making them unstable.  To read more about the alkali metals, click here! ( I won’t bore you 😉 )

I should probably throw in here that the table salt in your cupboard is NOT going to burst into flames if you place some in water.  Table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), not pure sodium.  There.  Now you can breath a bit easier.

So, how much damage can these elements do when mixed with water? Check out this video.

[youtube m55kgyApYrY]

Pretty awesome, eh? Hope you enjoyed this week’s “Serving of NeRd”! ♥


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