SaM’s Serving of NeRd: superHEROES


ATTENTION: all artists and t-shirt lovers! Looking for something to partake in this Youth Week? Check out this awesome event! 😀

The HEROES T-shirt Design Contest is a project of Impact Society, which provides youth with the opportunity to build confidence, character and integrity by introducing them to themselves – the person they are inside, the person that has unique strengths, gifts and abilities. They are looking for a t-shirt design that visually displays the HEROES program and what a HERO is…

Impact Society defines a HERO as someone who uses their gifts and abilities to make a positive change in themselves and others.

Submit your HERO t-shirt design by visiting and clicking on the Submit a T-Shirt Design Link. Submissions will be taken throughout and just after Youth Week, April 23 – May 8, then reviewed and selected. Winners will be contacted and awarded a $50 gift certificate to Southcentre Mall! WHOO HOO! 😉

So unleash your right brain and get designing!

Cost: Free
Ages: 12-18
For more info: Call 403-280-1856 ext 16
email or visit