SaM’s Serving of NeRd: SABC and CYSF


Some of you might remember my couple of blogs last school year regarding the Calgary Youth Science Fair (CYSF). For those of you who have forgotten, don’t know, never saw it, or think you aren’t into science (you silly pickle), NO WORRIES!! Here’s all the info…plus more 😉 !

First is ‘more’:

The Sanofi-Aventis BioTalent Challenge is a national, biotechnology-focused science competition that exposes high school and CEGEP students to career possibilities and reveals the breadth of endeavour that makes up the bio-economy.

Sanofi Aventis BioTalent ChallengeThe Sanofi-Aventis BioTalent Challenge provides high school students with an opportunity one step above basic science fair research projects–they match you up with a professional who is doing research in the area you are interested. Or maybe you know someone or did some research and found someone who is willing to be your mentor–that’s cool too! On the SABC website, you will find a guidline of everything that has to go into your detailed proposal (or click here cuz I’m nice ;)). If you’re going to participate in the SABC, you better get on it!! The deadline for proposal submission is October 29, 2010. The Calgary regional competition will take place on April 19, 2011. Check the website for details on the regional competition in your area.

One thing that is great about the SABC is that you can use the same project for the Calgary Youth Science Fair (or your local regional science fair) and along to Canada-Wide! Bet that made your life a whole lot less crazy, eh 😉

As for the Calgary Youth Science Fair, you don’t have to do the SABC first.


The mission of the Calgary Youth Science Fair Society is “to promote an appreciation for scientific principles and method in the youth of Calgary by means of an annual science competition.” Every year almost 1,000 students from schools in and around Calgary gather to take part in Canada’s largest science fair.

The CYSF is open to all students grades 5 – 12, however, their school MUST REGISTER by October 31, 2010!!! (click here for registration info). So go find your science teacher/coordinator and make sure they have signed your school up!! Even if you think you’re the only one interested in participating, make sure they do it (my school did for me, even though I was the only one last year!). The date of the CYSF is March 16-19, 2011. Also, this will be the 50th annual CYSF!! If you can only do it once, I would make sure you do it this year!! (I know I am ;))

So: what can you take away from this information? Science is AWESOME!! DUH! ~what else were you expecting? 😀


October 29, 2010: SABC ~ Proposal submission deadline.

October 31, 2010: CYSF ~ School registration deadline.

March 16-19, 2011: CYSF ~ IT’S THE FAIR!!!

April 19, 2o11: SACB ~ IT’S THE COMPETITION!!!