SaM’s Serving of NeRd: LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4


Where would the nerds of the world be if it weren’t for Harry Potter? I have no idea, but I know I personally wouldn’t have turned out to be so lame awesome without it šŸ˜‰

Now, theĀ LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 game has somewhat recently come out for consoles, but what some of you may not know is that it has also come out for iPhone, iPod and iPad users šŸ˜€

For a limited time, this game is only $4.99!!! Needless to say, I pounced on it–and it was quite the struggle!Ā It took me well over three hours to attempt to update my iPhone’s operating system and now I have no music on itĀ šŸ™ but I have the game! That’s all that’s important to me ;). I must say, as a fan of the LEGO video games for various consoles, the touch interface is a lovely addition to the LEGO-style gaming.

Run around stupifying people, find missingĀ items for fellow students, and collect those wonderful littleĀ LEGO coins, allĀ with a little help from some magic ;). Of course, you get to play asĀ all of your favourite characters like Hermione, Ron, Hagrid and Harry! Complete tasks,Ā recreate scenes from the books,Ā and defeat Lord Voldemort (yeah, that’s right, I say his name XD)!

So, if you’re still looking for a wallet-friendly gift for your Harry Potter junkie/gamer/nerd, this game would make the perfect gift.Ā I would highly recommend it. =)

Check out the iTunes preview! šŸ™‚

Happy Gaming!

Experience the events of Harry Potter’s first four years at Hogwarts ā€“ LEGOĀ® style!

~* mischief managed.