SaM’s Serving of NeRd: Cryptobiosis


What a fancy and mysterious term! But you know, you probably know what I’m talking about if you’ve ever had Sea-Monkeys as pets.

Cryptobiosis is a state that certain organisms go into where all metabolic procedures stop. This prevents reproduction, repair, development or any type of growth. An organism in this state can practically live indefinitely until the environment conditions are suitable to thrive. At such a point, the organism will return to its happy little metabolizing self and get on its way.

This is such a fascinating topic–just think of all the possibilities! It’s like opening up a door to a prehistoric era of organisms and if we can recreate their prime habitat, we could be spawning creatures from the past!! 😀 [oh the things that get nerds’ hearts racing. :P]

Back to the topic of Sea-Monkeys, these commonly-known little guys are an excellent example of cryptobiosis. Artemia salina, also known as the brine shrimp or by its brand name “Sea-Monkey” are a species which can be found in the Makgadikgadi Pans in Botswana (fancy!). They survive the dry season through cryptobiosis when the water of the pans evaporates, leaving basically a dry landscape. This preservation mechanism is what allows the species to keep going.

Did you ever wonder how Sea-Monkeys work as a child? Well now you know. You’re welcome 🙂

P.S. I never had Sea-Monkeys growing up, but my Grade 12 art class currently has some as class pets x] Happy metabolizing!