Roma … A Movie You Should Try To Watch


Should you watch Roma… quite simply yes. Now let me get something straight, I think that you should watch as many movies as possible even the bad ones (of course time permitting). The simple fact of the matter is that movies become the means by which directors, writers, actors, and actresses convey their message to you the viewer, so there is an inherent benefit in exposing yourself to as many different messages as possible.

But, if you have a list of movies you need to watch, Roma is a movie that should be on that list if it isn’t already.

Once again this is my own opinion and feel free to disagree with me if you want to

Ok, so you have just finished watching Roma. At first, I am sure the first thought that goes through your mind is “WOW I have just wasted 2 hours of my life.” That is actually pretty common. Roma is not your traditional teenager oriented movie which delivers 2 hours of hard packed action with a plethora of visual effects. But that is exactly what makes Roma so good, days after you watch it, it stays with you. The more and more you think, the decisions made by Alfonso Cuaron become painstakingly clear. This is why I think that Roma is so important as a film. The messages are not spoon fed to you, it is up to the viewer to discover them. In today’s incredibly tenuous political climate, that is something which is incredibly valuable and hard to come by. Everything from the cinematography, the music, the tonality of Roma all aim to perpetuate the message that: Life is not a fantasy, and life is not perfect. Not only does Roma accomplish this message, but it accomplishes it in an incredibly real angle. It cinematography alongside outstanding directing brings this message to the fullest.

So the next time you are on Netflix, give Roma a watch 🙂

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