Rock, Paper, Scissors: How to win every time!


Always wonder why someone manages to beat you each time at “Rock, Paper, Scissors” without pulling a sweat, while you are struggling to keep up with their lightning fast moves? No more shall the “Rock, Paper, Scissors” champions have such pride in their “skills”, because the tricks to winning are actually quite simple. Are you ready to “ROCK”? (Lame puns ftw!)

The First Move

  • Actually, don’t “rock”. Usually, if you are playing against a beginner, or simply a clueless noob, they will play Rock, because rock is thought to be forceful and strong, hence symbolic of winning. Note- you should try to pull the Paper trick only on a rookie, because experienced “Rocker, Paper, Scissors” pros will know this trick like the back of their hand.
  • If you are dueling an obviously experienced player, Scissors is the right way to go. This is valid because Rock is too commonplace of a move, and overly predictable.

Game Play

  • If the opponent plays the same thing twice, then Play the object that will be beaten by their last turn. So, for example, if they play scissors twice in a row, then you should play paper. Why? Most likely, they will play something different in the third turn, either paper or rock. So, by playing paper, the object that would lose to scissors, you would either win or have a stalemate. Either way, you probably won’t lose.
  • The MOST IMPORTANT TRICK: Predict their moves. In “Rock, Paper, Scissors”, especially when you are playing quickly, psychology is on your side. Believe it or not, when the mind is under pressure, it will subconsciously try to show its strength; this applies to “Rock, Paper, Scissors” in that a flustered player would try to play the move that would beat their last one. For example, if the foe has lost the match, and has played scissors in the last round, they will most likely deliver rock in the next round- so play paper. However, this only applies to if they lose that match.
  • If the opponent is on a winning streak, try Suggestion. With the gullible and clueless, you can influence their weak minds by subtly suggesting a throw, like a magician often does. To do this, give a hint as to what you are going to play- rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper…and they will likely throw a paper, because you’ve suggested that you will play rock. Or, you could pretend to get flustered and claim, “I better play ____ next time! Mumble mumble… …”
  • And finally, if all else fails, CHEAT. If you lose the first three, claim that you played after the opponent- by not blaming them, this makes you seem like a credible person. Or, you could always say “two out of three” if you lose the first match! Hehe…well, it’s called cheating for a reason right?

Remember, success in “Rock, Paper, Scissors” equals to success in life. With these tips, you can clear a path to VICTORY!  😀