Review of Potted Potter


For as long as I can remember Harry Potter has been in my life. It started with my dad taking time at night to read the books before I could and then myself going on to reading all 7 another 3 times through. I grew up surrounded by the story and saw each movie that came out in theatres. After this story ended I felt as though a piece of my life was gone (not being over dramatic, hardcore HP fans would agree), but then I stumbled upon the opportunity to attend the opening night in Calgary to Potted Potter.


Potted Potter is a comedic parody that takes all 7 Harry Potter books and puts them into one 70 minute show. The catch is that it is performed solely by two actors. This show is currently on a world tour and the idea has been around since 2005. You can read more up on the show at their website.

I was not disappointed at all. I went into the show expecting something completely different. It was successfully hilarious from beginning to end. As a long time Harry Potter fan I was blown away by the goofy take on such a serious story but I was pleasantly surprised at how they incorporated the entire major plot into SEVENTY minutes. I would recommend this show to anyone looking for something to laugh along with and have an amazing time. A piece of advice I have to any future audience members, try not to take it seriously and enjoy the show for what it is.



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