What to do with your Spring Break


I know that Spring Break’s already half over, but it’s not too late to have some fun during these last few care-free days! If you’ve been sitting around Calgary mournfully reading your friends’ Facebook updates about their awesome tropical vacations, don’t let them have all the fun! Good times are still to be had this spring break, and maybe you’ll find an uber-productive activity that is just as brag-worthy of the Mayan Riviera.

Go to a Flames Game

There may be hardly any slow left on the ground, but hockey season is still in full swing, and what better way to say farewell to winter than by celebrating the ultimate Canadian pastime? Tickets are still available for the Friday, March 30 game versus the Colorado Avalanche, and while they can be a bit pricey for the better seats (the cheapest go for about $45), it’s the spirit that counts, right?

Attend a Job Workshop

Having trouble getting your teenage part-time career off the ground? Job $mart is a free workshop for youth ages 15-24 who want help with writing a resume, acing a job interview, exploring what jobs are out there, and more! To sign up for Friday’s session at the Youth Employment Centre or to hear about more dates, contact Nancy Gibbons at 403-268-2781 or nancy.gibbons@calgary.ca.

See The Hunger Games

If you haven’t already jumped on the latest teen phenomenon bandwagon, I highly recommend it so that you may intelligently discuss said phenomenon with all of your cool friends once school returns. In fact, the book is even a fast enough read that you could easily whip through the the book and movie before Monday. While I myself have yet to engage in the mayhem (I’m waiting on a borrowed copy of the novel and I refuse to see THG without reading it first), I have heard nothing but stellar reviews (there are even a couple on this blog that you can check out!). Apparently the book is captivating and the film is everything you could ever hope for in a super-successful teen novel adaptation (it beat out Twilight in the box office, if that’s worth anything).

I would also recommend getting your hands on a DVD copy of The Muppets and watching that a couple dozen times. Because, well, it’s brilliant.

Check out the Penguins

Another must-see: if you have yet to visit the newly-arrived penguins at the Calgary Zoo, then you simply have to get on that. If the basic presence of penguins isn’t enough to win you over, then be aware that aside from the awesomely natural exhibit, there is also a new retail store and food outlet. Yes, you may see the penguins and purchase cute penguin merchandise as well. If you do plan on visiting the penguins, be sure to get there bright and early to avoid massive lines- utilizing the last couple weekdays of spring break would also be handy!

See Swan Lake

For all you culture buffs, Swan Lake has returned to Calgary with Alberta Ballet. One of the most epic ballets of all time, it is surely not to be missed. Tickets start at only $18, and students also get a discount! The ballet is at the Jubilee Auditorium until March 31, so it’s not too late to spice up your spring break with some good old-fashioned art. Check out tickets at Alberta Ballet’s website!

Sign Up for a Marathon

The Scotiabank Calgary Marathon is taking place on Sunday, May 27 2012, and if you’re over 18 and register by March 31, you’ll be entered to win The Ultimate Scotiabank Calgary Marathon Race Weekend Package! Youth Central is one of the official charities taking part in the 2012 Scotiabank Marathon Charity Challenge, and you can show your support by donating, sponsoring or running. Participating in a marathon is the perfect way to get in shape, raise some money for charity, and of course, have fun! For more information on getting involved, follow this here link to Youth Central’s website.


There are tons of awesome projects across the city during spring break, from bowling with the residents at Spruce Lodge Seniors Centre to helping out with activities during Heritage Park’s Spring Rally in the Alley. If you’re sick of sitting around all week, get out and do some good! You can check out a bunch of awesome youth volunteer opportunities at Youth Central’s website, and if you’re not signed up with Youth Central, well, what are you waiting for?