Relax, Unwind, and Just Breathe


Everyone is always looking for a balance, be it between school and social activities, or religious and material wealth. When it comes down to having time for our selves, we often spend it working or taking on more than we can handle and forget about this balance. I decided to research a simple question that many of us sometimes ask ourselves, “How do I relax?” This post is a guide to show you the little things that make us all feel a bit better when it comes to relaxing.

Not only did I find a list of 100 ways to relax, but I also found an article about eight simple ways to relax. Take a look below and read brief descriptions from the article:

1. Meditate- Research has shown that meditation can be helpful in lowering heart rate and blood pressure.
2. Drink Green Tea- Green Tea is soothing as it contains theanine, an amino acid that gives flavor to green tea and also promotes relaxation. It also works as an antagonist to caffeine, which can make a stress response worse.
3. Treat Yourself- Have something sweet, just don’t forget to watch your portion size!
4. Enjoy an aromatherapy massage- Getting a massage is a great way to free yourself of tension and relax, and adding aromatherapy oils such as chamomile or lavender are beneficial in relaxing.
5. Create a relaxation room- Dedicate a room in your house to relaxing and leave behind your daily distractions like your laptop and BlackBerrry. Swap them for a magazine or a comfy pillow!
6. Listen to your favorite music – A slow song can put you in a calm state of mind.
7. Indulge in a hot bath- Heat relaxes your muscles and soothes your mind.
8. Get moving- Exercise reduces stress and makes you feel great after a hectic day!

To read the full description of each of the eight ways to help you relax, click here. Enjoy the time you take for yourself and try out these tips! I know, after trying many of these tips, that they aid in calming and unwinding.