Recycling and Compost Facilities for Calgary


compostCalgary has recently added a great new recycling program to the city.  It’s quite obvious that Calgarians are making an effort to help our environment is ways such as reducing our Eco-footprint.  So what’s the next step?  Compost!  Many cities around North America have started a compost program.  This program would be similar to our recycling program, where solid waste would be taken to the compost facility and transformed into resources such as soil. Edmonton has had this program since 2000 and has reduced 60% of all waste going into their landfills!  With this program, we could compost our food scraps and yard disposals such as grass clippings.

Each year, the average Calgarian disposes 1,000kg of waste into our landfills.  About 24% of our waste is food; automatically, we would be eliminating a large portion of our waste.  Calgary has websites on many great compost tips and guidelines, but not many Calgarians actually compost due to weather.  Composting will cut down our garbage by 50%.  However, having compost is not always successful; if you compost the wrong way, odors will become present. With the City compost program, we would all benefit from the resources of the compost program.  Best of all, we would be able to do so without any odor.  There are plenty of positive outcomes that will result from this program. The compost would be placed into a bin, similar to the City’s recycling blue bins.  

I think this is a great idea that many Calgarians would be willing to support!


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