Recognizing the Importance Of Family Day: Three Ways to Celebrate It


First of all, what is Family Day?

Family Day was a day created to emphasize the importance of family and give people a break to allow them to spend quality time with their family. It was created in Alberta, Canada by Premier Don Getty 1990. Due to charges placed on his son for posessing drugs, he wanted to create this holiday to allow people to spend more time with their families, believing that more family time could prevent these type of issues. In honor of this holiday, I’ve compiled a list of three things you and your family can take part in, in order to celebrate this important day.

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  1. Set up a Family Board Game Night                                                                           
  • Put away phones and other distractions: By putting these distractions away, do this to become more present with one another, and encourage happiness and genuine connection
  • Put on a movie that you are all comfortable with: This can foster an experience that is inclusive and that allows everybody to feel at home

Free Family Hike photo and picture 2. Go Out For a Hike

  • A family hike allows more chances to talk, laugh, and have fun without the normal distractions of phones, or work, only peace-inducing nature.
  • By working together to complete trails, a sense of teamwork can become established
  • Hikes also allow opportunities for everlasting memories and photos, whether it be having a picnic, skipping rocks in a river, taking pictures of beautiful scenery, etc.

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3. Have a Family Cooking Session

  • Instead of the usual 1-2 people cooking the food the family usually eats, a family cooking session creates a rewarding way for family members to bond and create delicious food together!
  • To make the experience more enjoyable, you can set up a food theme such as Mexican or Japanese food, bringing a new twist compared to the food your normally eat
  • By dividing tasks such as mixing ingredients or cutting vegetables, you can encourage a sense of teamwork, responsibility, and fulfillment to each member of the household

In Conclusion….

In short, Family Day is a holiday that was created for a specific and valuable purpose, spending time with your family. It’s easy to feel trapped in distractions such as work or school and overlook what really matters, family connection. Therefore, we shouldn’t let this holiday go to waste. I encourage you to go out of your way to spend time with your family on this important day, and I hope my ideas have inspired you.