Reasons why music is amazing


Anybody who knows me know that I love music. People find my love for music a bit obsessive and odd, But I have good  reason to be obsessed, and here are some reasons why:



One thing about music is that you can listen to it no matter how you are feeling. There are songs for every situation, whether you are flying high or feeling low. You might need some inspiration or motivation, or maybe you need something to help you tune out the world. There is a song for every emotion. Music is there to remind you that no matter where you are, or what you are feeling, you are not alone.


Sometimes people feel like nobody notices them, like they are invisible. Which is why music is great. Music helps people to express themselves. Whether you are listening to music, or making it, everyone’s taste in music is different, and everyone has different songs that relate to them. So even though you and your friend may have the same favourite song, you guys still have different likes and dislikes. And that’s part of the reason why everyone is so different.


Everyone can feel like the world is too much to handle, and music can help with that. Sometimes, putting in your earbuds can be enough to help forget what was bothering you. Whether you are singing at the top of your lungs, or simply bobbing your head, music always helps you take your mind off things.


I listen to music while I study, and I listen in class if the teacher allows it. Why? Because the music helps me focus. It sets a beat and a tempo to work to. I don’t like silence where I can hear a pin drop. I would rather fill my world with sound.

tumblr_li23ntMMIG1qhzzcpo1_500 Therapy

When I feel depressed or sad, I always rely on music to lift my mood a little bit. A lot of people who have gone through emotional traumatic stress (such as; death of a family member, cutting, depression, etc.) say that music helped them heal and help them return to a happier state of being.

Music helps people feel less alone and helps people deal with things that are bothering them.